Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Revue Spirite for December, 1924, contains the following interesting case:

From Death-Bed Visions - The Psychical Experiences of the Dying by Sir William Barrett, Chapter 2: Visions seen by the Dying of Persons by them Unknown to be Dead.

The Revue Spirite for December, 1924, contains the following interesting case:

"The Review 'Verdade e Luz' of San Paolo, Brazil, in its number of September, 1924, has remarks on the striking incident of which the dying Adamina Lazaro was the heroine.

"A few hours before her death, the patient said to her father that she saw near her bed several members of the family, all deceased some years previously. The father attributed this declaration in extremis to a state of delirium, but Adamina insisted with renewed force, and among the invisible 'visitors' named her own brother, Alfredo, who was employed at the time at a distance of 423 kilometres, on the lighthouse of the port of Sisal.

"The father was more and more convinced of the imaginary nature of these visions, well knowing that his son Alfredo was in perfect health, for a few days previously he had sent the best possible news of himself.

"Adamina died the same evening, and the next morning her father received a telegram informing him of the death of the young Alfredo. A comparison of times showed that the dying girl was still living at the time of the death of her brother."