Sunday, January 17, 2010
The next example repeats the peculiarity that the percipient's impression, though
From Phantasms of the Living by Edmund Gurney, Frederic Myers, and Frank Podmore, Chapter V "Specimens of the Various Types of Spontaneous Telepathy."
The next example repeats the peculiarity that the percipient's impression, though unique in his experience, did not at the moment suggest the agent; but it differs, as will be seen, from Frances Reddell's case. We received it from the Rev. Robert Bee, now residing at 12, Whitworth Road, Grangetown, near Southbank, Yorkshire.
"Colin Street, Wigan.
"December 30th, 1883.
"On December 18th, 1873, I left my house in Lincolnshire to visit my wife's parents, then and now residing in Lord Street, Southport. Both my parents were, to all appearance, in good health when I started. The next day after my arrival was spent in leisurely observation of the manifold attractions of this fashionable seaside resort. I spent the evening in company with my wife in the baywindowed drawing-room upstairs, which fronts the main street of the town. I proposed a game at chess, and we got out the board and began to play. Perhaps half-an-hour had been thus occupied by us, during which I had made several very foolish mistakes. A deep melancholy was oppressing me. At length I remarked: 'It is no use my trying to play, I cannot for the life think about what I am doing. Shall we shut it up and resume our talk? I feel literally wretched.'
"'Just as you like,' said my wife, and the board was at once put aside.
"This was about half-past 7 o'clock; and after a few minutes' desultory conversation, my wife suddenly remarked: 'I feel very dull to-night. I think I will go downstairs to mamma, for a few minutes.'
"Soon after my wife's departure, I rose from my chair, and walked in the direction of the drawing-room door. Here I paused for a moment, and then passed out to the landing of the stairs.
"It was then exactly 10 minutes to 8 o'clock. I stood for a moment upon the landing, and a lady, dressed as if she were going on a business errand, came out, apparently, from an adjoining bedroom, and passed close by me. I did not distinctly see her features, nor do I remember what it was that I said to her.
"The form passed down the narrow winding stairs, and at the same instant my wife came up again, so that she must have passed close to the stranger, in fact, to all appearance, brushed against her.
"I exclaimed, almost immediately, 'Who is the lady, Polly, that you passed just now, coming up?'
"Never can I forget, or account for, my wife's answer. 'I passed nobody,' she said.
"'Nonsense,' I replied; 'You met a lady just now, dressed for a walk. She came out of the little bedroom. I spoke to her. She must be a visitor staying with your mother. She has gone out, no doubt, at the front door.'
"'It is impossible,' said my wife. 'There is not any company in the house. They all left nearly a week ago. There is no one in fact at all indoors, but ourselves and mamma.'
"'Strange,' I said; 'I am certain that I saw and spoke to a lady, just before you came upstairs, and I saw her distinctly pass you; so that it seems incredible that you did not perceive her.'
"My wife positively asserted that the thing was impossible. We went downstairs together, and I related the story to my wife's mother, who was busy with her household duties. She confirmed her daughter's previous statement. There was no one in the house but ourselves.
"The next morning, early, a telegram reached me from Lincolnshire; it was from my elder sister, Julia (Mrs T. W. Bowman, of Prospect House, Stechford, Birmingham), and announced the afflicting intelligence that our dear mother had passed suddenly away the night before; and that we {i.e., myself and wife) were to return home to Gainsborough by the next train. The doctor said it was heart-disease, which in a few minutes had caused her death."
After giving some details of his arrival at home, and of the kindness of friends, Mr. Bee continues : —
"When all was over and Christmas Day had arrived, I ventured to ask my brother the exact moment of our mother's death.
"'Well, father was out,' he said, 'at the school-room, and I did not see her alive. Julia was just in time to see her breathe her last. It was, as nearly as I can recollect, 10 minutes to 8 o'clock.
"I looked at my wife for a moment, and then said: 'Then I saw her in Southport, and can now account, unaccountably, for my impressions.'
"Before the said 19th of December I was utterly careless of these things; I had given little or no attention to spiritual apparitions or impressions. "
Robt. Bee."